Night Time Treats with Rama

How did I make it through the hours around dawn before?

Simon Heathcote
Weeds & Wildflowers
Jul 25, 2024


Rama and the cherry tree. By Simon Heathcote.

The cat’s paw solid & determined
like an amputee’s stump
rises for familiar rituals of cleaning
& at 5am Rama finds his master asleep
washes my hair instead —
a ginger & white tomcat
sprucing his owner for a night
on the tiles when suddenly, he turns tail
& disappears down the steps
easily bored as quickly he had jumped
on the bed, looking for his friend.
At noon, a sun lounger & a hint of wind
seduces the red King.
Between frantic bursts, he sleeps
& watches birds, registers daily taunts
from an old magpie who likes to sit
in the cherry tree’s fork, screeching.
Soon, he turns his head to the
important business of rest — & yawns.
I’ll see him later, probably around 5am.

Copyright Simon Heathcote



Simon Heathcote
Weeds & Wildflowers

Psychotherapist writing on the human journey for some; irreverently for others; and poetry for myself; former newspaper editor.