Orange You Glad It’s October?

Weeds & Wildflowers
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2 min readOct 1, 2021


Photo by Diana Lotti — Permission Granted

To me, October is a color — the color of orange.

Pumpkin, burnt, terracotta, tangerine, peach, carrot, rust, ginger, and amber.

Orange is one of my favorite colors. It’s cheery and warm and spicy.

And, of course, all things pumpkin. Have you had your first PSL of the season? (For non-coffee drinkers, that’s a pumpkin spice latte.)

Diana Lotti is graciously allowing us the pleasure of seeing her photographed pumpkin patch as our October banner — thank you, Diana! See those orange circles? They are the emblems of autumn.

So, what is our October writing prompt?

Orange, of course!

Everything and anything orange — photos, but also poems, songs, and stories — anything that has orange as its theme. Our local college football team’s colors are orange and blue. I could write about them, but I’ll refrain. Still, you get the idea. Drown me in orange!


© Dennett — Sunrise or Sunset?

Sunrise and sunset,
nature’s twins, brushing the sky
with strokes of orange,
bookends of the same long day.
Which one is which, can you tell?

© Dennett — Sunrise or Sunset?

As always, Weeds & Wildflowers prompts have no due or expiration dates.

Please use “Writing Prompt Response” as one of your tags.



Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.