
Story of one cat

Serhii Onkov
Weeds & Wildflowers
7 min readAug 8, 2024


all photos by the author

I love cats and have an animal allergy — this could be a short resume of my life. In its way, it’s probably karma for how I misbehaved with cats and other pets as a child — like they were my toys, not alive creatures with their own feelings.

People still can’t treat allergies, but they invented ASIT therapy. It suppresses the reaction to a specific allergen after a long curative course but is individual and not 100% efficient. Meanwhile, we noticed a tiny homeless kitten in one of the neighboring yards. It was ginger like we wanted. Finally, this fact forced me to get my ass up and visit a doctor — if not for that kitten, then for the future.

This is not the best photo, but it is the only one where I caught the whole family living in a box near an ordinary five-story house. There were two kittens: a ginger boy and a grey girl (she is visible in the corner).

I got a recipe for the ASIT therapy but for treating allergy to house dust. Tests didn’t show any reaction about cats. We didn’t wait until somebody could take the cat. He sniffed the whole apartment and slept on the bed like the real owner.

So he got a roof over his head, a symbolic birthday written by a vet doctor, and the name Persyk (Peach). In my turn, I got endless ideas for photos, with the caveat that most would be hopelessly blurred.

Because the small energizer seemed to move every second except when he slept, he discovered everything and destroyed everything.

But could my hand go up against such an angel? Despite him smashing the apartment like a hurricane.

OK, the cat still felt negative moments about living in civilization. :) We rarely bathe him, but he gets all the required vaccinations and parasite prevention.

I tried to catch him in dynamic:

But got good results only when he was sleepy. Or yawning.

Time passed, and the cat grew up. It is said that pets are similar to their owners, and there is some truth in that. At least he’s just as impatient and restless as me, even when there is no cause for concern. His tail lives an independent life and shows irritation even when its owner sleeps. Also, Persyk is talkative enough for cats, but he did not take this character trait from my wife or me.

And in one moment, he turned into a skinny, cheeky teenager.

Five weeks vs. five months. Now, he already can’t fit behind a battery.

Another drawback of living in the apartment is that the cat lost his balls… but not his vigor.

He even got a hat but, to be honest, sincerely hates it. We still need to find red boots for him somewhere.

And most of his photos still look like this:

We keep in contact with Persyk’s parents. His mother is a very gentle but homeless cat that constantly lives under the house where we found them. This year, she disappeared like some other cats in that yard. I hope somebody adopted her (because our kind people could expel or poison them).

This is a thankless business to search for the father of the homeless kitten, but we probably detected him. It is a half-domestic ginger cat from another neighboring yard. We consider him the relative not only because of his similar appearance but because of the same restless and anxious character.

father and son

Probably because of the genes of street parents, our cat developed an interest in the outdoors: he often demands to walk by sitting and screaming near the door. Once, I thought it was strange to keep cats on a leash, but now I understand why it’s needed. Otherwise, this dummy would get lost and never be found again.

And he definitely would find adventures for his butt because this fearless animal (due to lack of experience, of course) tries to attack all the dogs regardless of their size. Although he peacefully became acquainted with a hedgehog.

As the cat became an adult, I could find even the moments for photos when he was calm.

Only a cactus survived among all home plants (but it flew many times already).

It seems that the number of ideas for photos is endless. I’m writing this only now (when the cat is almost a year and a half old) because I was afraid to select a few dozen images among many hundreds.

Also, he is pretty smart for a cat… but looks so silly sometimes:)

Despite he thinks he’s the main person in the house.

And he’s always infinitely cute — some kind of sweetie pie that grew from 690 grams (in the adopting day) to 6 kilograms.

Well, the silly style suits him, however:)

It would be possible to create a meme from this couple of photos if I hadn’t been so lazy.

By the way, wool is everywhere. But positive moments of having one more kindred soul prevail.

And this is anxious at the same time. A banal saying that we’re responsible for those we tamed is very actual. He strictly depends on everything that can happen to me, and so many things can happen at such times.

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