Planning For the 2025 Gardening Season

Planning for a year that’s a win and not a fail

Stefani Vader
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Niklas Ohlrogge ( on Unsplash

The last couple of years my gardening has started off strong and then bombed. From December to April, I go gung ho. The garden gets weeded, seeds get planted, and seedlings grow.

Then, I’m not exactly sure what happens. There’s never one specific thing that I can look at and say, this is the problem. When you don’t know what the problem is, it makes it hard to fix it.

So now I’m trying to put together a plan that I can stick to so that I end the season feeling successful.

So, what am I going to do?

I’m going to start now. I’m not going to wait until February to weed the garden. It’s like a jungle right now. The weather is still beautiful, and I need to take full advantage of that. Starting this week, I’m going to choose two days where I can spend half an hour weeding the front garden. I know that doesn’t sound like much time, but I can get quite a chunk done in half an hour. Hopefully, by doing this, by the time the seedlings are growing, I’ll be ready to plant and not in a massive hurry to get everything weeded.

I’m also going to invest in way more mulch. Last year I only mulched a very small section of the front garden and the amount of weeds that grew there was was less…



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