
a poem offered near the close of this challenging year. . .

Michelle Berry Lane
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo copyright Michelle Lane, 2019


Clouds cruise above dark branches;
small, lacy mandalas
slowly come to meet you
and melt upon your tongue.

In the clearing, moonlight
is grace’s touch beneath
an open zenith of night sky
punctuated with stars.

Come home, kindle the fire,
brew fragrant tea, and pour it,
steaming, into your waiting cup
rest your feet, eyes closed: sip.

Deep within, you are borderless.
There are mysteries
not meant to be solved,
only felt, and received

in the gifts that
sing your being well.


As 2020 draws to a close, many are almost afraid to hope for a better year. Interior restoration can be found regardless of the challenges of the world. Simply noticing beauty in the moment, or engaging in small acts of self-care are practices that help me to turn from despair and remind me of a wholeness that exists despite all the fracturing that has been so prevalent. In those moments when I can feel gratitude, there is healing.

May you feel your way toward restoration if you are experiencing brokenness.



Michelle Berry Lane
Weeds & Wildflowers

Earthling, Writer, Teacher, Learner; Attending to thresholds and the uncovering of meaning. MA in Theopoetics & Writing (ESR ‘23); taught kids sci/nature 25+y