Rose Report

Four Australian Humdingers!


La Sevillana

I’ve always wondered how well the roses would do if I didn’t slavishly provide them with the vast and expensive amounts of fertilizer recommended to keep my 40 plants or so in bloom all summer. Sadly, this year I found out. Most of them really do need regular attention.

Anyhow, the threat of Covid and Trump isn’t a very good excuse for my laziness, but like most people I know, I’ve been a little too low-spirited throughout 2020 to keep up appearances. Still, there are several roses that have done very well in spite of my neglect.

Honey Perfume
Soul Sister

Last month, there were a few more roses in bloom, so if you love roses and missed December’s offerings, check them out here.

(All photos by author)



David Wade Chambers
Weeds & Wildflowers

Retired University Prof. (Social Studies of Science) Creator of Draw-a-Scientist Test: Living in Australia