Shades of Green

Subtle signs along the way

Thalia Dunn
Weeds & Wildflowers
Apr 3, 2021


Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Cycling past the field,
all seems flat, familiar,
bordering on boring
in the early hours of April morn.

Yet just beyond view,
tucked behind sturdy trunks of brown
subtle signs emerge,
awakening, bursting with energy.

How can I miss the signs?
the pulse? the vibrancy?

Ordinary shade of green
sharpens to hues of lime
as delicate grasses
push through muddy brown.

Stark, sharp dandelion leaves
sprawl across
frayed, dulled blades of grass
bent by winter’s cold.

Muted earthy moss protect
barren spots of marshy field
while in the shadow’s edge,
silver-tipped ferns unfold
to warming sunlight

and framing the horizon,
tall white pines extend their limbs
with soft verdant needles.

Tones and shades
of monochromatic green
spill from the artist’s box of crayons
onto the field of canvas.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash



Thalia Dunn
Weeds & Wildflowers

I’ve been scribbling in notebooks and journals for years and finally decided to share with like-minded pilgrims on our adventure through life.