A certain kind of symphony

Snappy One
Weeds & Wildflowers
3 min readJul 30, 2024


What can move?

Did you know that movement is a primary ability of living things? We know animals and humans are able to move.

Amusement parks offer exciting thrills for those seeking such experiences.


(Note: All Photos taken by the Author)

When we sit, do we sit still? We cross ankles and legs, tap our feet or fingers, fold arms, twist hair, scratch or rub hands. The furniture companies are well aware of this.


Hence the high sales for rocking chairs and recliners. My husband has a lift chair which gives him a jump start to get on his feet.

There are many things around us that move, but which we do not usually think of as doing so. For example: do plants move? They are rooted in place, no? Indeed, they are not stationary! Anyone who has had to pay to replace sidewalk put askew by tree roots are aware of this.

Rooted Weeping Willow

Do you see how plants bend toward light?

Fluted Cups of Pink

Some surprisingly avoid obstacles that may block their growth.

Flower Hurdles

All life needs water. It is a key component for life on any planet. Water surely moves.

unending waves

Certainly, rocks don’t move! Or do they? If you are familiar with the Myth of Sisyphus you know of his futile work, even when he COULD move a rock. That rock moved with assistance from a person, but there are rocks that are put in motion other ways. Landslides can be devastating. How much destruction is caused by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?

Driving down some highways, you may see the yellow signs warning drivers to be on the lookout for falling rocks.

High in the sky

Engineers are aware that buildings move. If skyscrapers did not have some “give” to them, they’d never withstand the high winds or subtle movement of the ground beneath them.

What moves you? Are you motivated by fear? These days, pandemics, war, and economic challenges are reasons to be afraid. How does that affect our thinking and behavior?

What comes to mind when you see a newborn, be it human or animal? Can you find beauty every day, even in some small way? Thoughts like these may help us to move from fear to hope. It is a matter of focus and a willingness to move away from what hurts toward what helps.

What moves you? What kind of moves are you willing to make in order to make our communities better places?

What kind of movement would you write?

Originally published at



Snappy One
Weeds & Wildflowers

Caregiver, photographer, Christian, humorist. Married grandma. Enjoy travel, especially cruises.