Still Searching
For That Ever Elusive Masterpiece
Why can’t I simply will myself to write a masterpiece
Something that would assume legacy status
About which to be proud(though humbly so)
That my grandchildren might read some day and each proclaim
“That was my papa who wrote that
Wasn’t he grand
And I was special to him
He often told me how much he loved me”
In vain I search for the words to express my wonder
At the world around me
That would make them come alive to any reader who stumbles upon them
There are more than sufficient examples
Like those glories of nature that make my heart soar to be in their presence
How to convey my amazement that I share the same Life Source
As these miracles
And one day I shall return to that same Source
Some call that place heaven
I have come to think of it more as going home
Then there are those radiant human beacons of hope and light
What a great variety
Their colors of the rainbow might be different from mine
Holding a…