Stress As A Soul

A Poem About Stress And Solving It…

Soheil Erfani Tabar
Weeds & Wildflowers
2 min readFeb 11, 2024


Stress As A Soul — a poem written by Soheil Erfani Tabar
Photo by Kajetan Sumila on Unsplash

“Somebody help me,

I’m being followed,

accompanied by a shadow,

It doesn’t leave my soul.”

“Always in the dark,

Hiding behind my thoughts,

Looking for a chance,

To get itself involved.”

“It’s nothing but an emotion,

This is what I tell myself.

But it’s not just a feeling,

As it has its goals.”

“I can feel its cold hands,

All around my neck,

Making life hard for me,

Isn’t that insane?”

“Harder than what it is?

How can that be?

That’s the power of stress,

lurking in every verdict.”

“Leaving you in madness,

Decision-making so hard,

Falling behind the world,

That’s where you’ll end up.”

“Take its hands,

Off your neck,

Embrace it like love,

As a part of yours.”

“Give it attention,

Look for the roots,

Solve the problems,

That you brought upon you.”

“The creature won’t leave you,

I can’t promise peace,

But it won’t be as terrifying,

As it really is…”

Soheil Erfani Tabar © 2024. All rights reserved.

If you liked this Poem you can read more in this Collection:

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Short Stories

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An Imaginary Day — an story written by Soheil Erfani Tabar
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