Submission Rules (?)

More Fun & Less Structure

Weeds & Wildflowers


I grew up wanting to be a teacher. Teaching would be a job with both the structure and the creativity I craved. Alas, that didn’t happen. Instead, a series of unplanned events pushed me into bookkeeping — again, a profession requiring structure but, sadly, very little creativity. Seriously, you don’t want a bookkeeper or an accountant who applies much creativity to their work! Trump thinks otherwise, but I won’t go there.

With that said, Weeds & Wildflowers submissions must abide by only a few rules/suggestions:

  • Keep it clean. Colorful language is one thing, but vulgarity is another. If you are fuzzy on the definition of vulgarity, look it up.
  • All photos and images must be your own or uncopyrighted. Use a free photography source such as Unsplash, which is linked to Medium and very easy and legal to use. If you don’t know how to access Unsplash from Medium, ask me. All online images must have a credit that’s a clickable hyperlink to the source. Please claim your photos with a credit beneath the picture or a blanket statement of photo ownership at the beginning.
  • People in photos are tricky. Except for public performers and personalities, please only use photos of yourself and a current spouse or significant other. If you want to include a photo of a friend…



Weeds & Wildflowers

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.