Tank Plays With Dear Husband

And it’s Dear Husband who needs a bandage in this episode

Prickly Pam
Weeds & Wildflowers


Tank looks like such an innocent boy, don’t you think? Photo by Pam

I made an appointment on a Monday to have Dr. Jennifer take another look at Tank’s right ear the very next day.

That Monday night when Dear Husband (DH) got home, Tank wanted to play. Because Tank gets all wound up when DH gets home from work.

Now, this isn’t your cute little 30-pound doggie who likes to chase a ball.

No, this is our 78-pound dog who thinks he’s a cute little puppy dog. He plays like a puppy. And, boy oh boy, does he love to tug on his rope toy.

Tank absolutely loves his tug rope. Photo by Pam

So DH was tugging on the rope with Tank. Tugging on the rope with Tank is a Herculean task because Tank’s so big.

And, as you know if you’ve ever tugged on a rope toy with a dog, they often like to stop and get a better grip on the rope.

One of the times Tank let go to get a better grip, DH was still tugging. He stumbled backward and tripped over a leg of the coffee table.

I was in my office and heard a horrible thud. When I ran out, DH was lying on the floor next to the front window. He had hit…



Prickly Pam
Weeds & Wildflowers

Retired IT pro; BA Philosophy; auto repair shop owner; bleeding heart liberal; vegetarian; recurring MDD sufferer; proud mom of a brilliant queer woman.