The Ashmolean Museum

In Beautiful Oxford

Robert Bush
Weeds & Wildflowers
5 min readNov 20, 2023


All pictures by author

Come join me, if you will, on a day trip to beautiful Oxford and in particular on a visit to the Ashmolean Museum.

The Ashmolean opened in 1683, and you can read the history below.

I went there specifically because I have been a lifelong fan of the painter Camille Pissarro, and the Ashmolean has several paintings of his that I have never seen before.

I am a member and regular visitor to The National Gallery in London, where they have a number of Pissarros, but the Ashmolean has some unusual ones and so last week I decided to pay the Museum a visit.

To start with, this is not just a Museum, it is an important art gallery too and it is huge. One day is certainly not enough time to do it justice.

For example, the room holding antique watches is so interesting I spent an hour there, and it seemed like just a few minutes. And there are dozens, if not hundreds, of rooms spread over several floors. The same goes for musical instruments where they have a fabulous exhibition of antique violins…



Robert Bush
Weeds & Wildflowers

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