
The Dawn

Weeds & Wildflowers
1 min readMay 30, 2020



Driving down that road,
The lanes where farms ran across
Stars and moon looking from the sky
Gently caressing the sleepy crops

The cool soothing breeze rolls
Gently washing my face
Conveying the goodbye of the moon
To wake up my eyes and soul

The curls in my locks stretch
And all aquiver danced on my forehead
The breath deeply feels the zephyr
With the rising Sun, far, on the horizon

Sky’s silver touch turns slightly rouge
Moon being painted and some stars fading through
As the sun rises from its home
So mellifluously accepts the reins from the night’s crew

The shinning moon, now, quietly conceals
A few zealous stars hold on to bask in the Sun’s hues
And when the sunlight sprinkles its golden aura across
They too, follow the moon’s lead, internalizing their pause

The lingering softness of the cool breeze
Even to the warmer sun-rays, seem to enchant
The lingering darkness gradually trickles into oblivion
When the dawn gives way to the morning song

The Sun lifts up the sky, in full vigour
Waking up the last of the sleepy wings
Lending the colours to the grass beside
Warming the souls and the air alike!

© GK



Weeds & Wildflowers

I love to pen down my observations and experiences in the form of poetry and prose. An avid reader who upholds the spirit of equalism.