Free Verse Poem

The Day the Laughter Died

Losing friends we never had

Aspen Blue
Weeds & Wildflowers
1 min readOct 1, 2020


Photo by Aspen Blue

Your flightless fingertips left me bereft
sinking into the silent echoes of a chortled chorus
Fluttered to my lips, aghast, at words unspoken
vows left broken in the ditch, clipped, with your wings

Missed a glitch in our programming
spelling clear in ones and zeroes
telling all who hear that our heroes fall in laughter
Ever after, we were never meant to be…

Slip your soulless hand into this pocket
nestled tight with crinkled leaf and favourite stone

Let me take you home that we may wrestle with shared daemons
hidden, secured, in a heart-shaped locket
That carries us on, our wingless flight
to soar, in concert, through mirthless nights

and beyond…

© Aspen Blue 2020

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Aspen Blue
Weeds & Wildflowers

Writer, poet, scientist, educator, humanist, autist; Published in: | follow @AspienBlue