The Eyes Have It


BTO is belting out Takin’ Care Of Business

The little guy above was just departing some tiny mint flowers. He was obviously taking care of business. I am extremely pleased with the outcome.

The yard is abuzz with airborne critters. Robins, bluebirds, blue jays, Carolina wrens, mockingbirds, sharp shinned and Cooper’s hawks to name a few. After my three mile walk this morning, I was working out with light weights and looking down from the top tier of my humble garden. I couldn’t understand what I was looking at until I finally realized there was a male gold finch perched on top of my largest sunflower. The now-famous Cheap Sunglasses sunflower.

I was stunned. Here was the most fabulous photo opportunity ever presented to mankind. They both shimmered in the arching sun like Tutankhamun’s treasures. I reached for my iPhone and eased it up into what would be the perfect position. Apple was going to invite me to become a Board member. Museums would be requesting my presence to lecture. You get the proverbial picture. As I was set to click the gold finch flew right by me on his way to whereabouts unknown. Damn birds! I have the deepest respect and admiration for all of you folks that take such amazing photos of birds we see on Medium.



Christopher Lovelace @ChristopherLovelace
Weeds & Wildflowers

Guitar picker, fisherman, picture taker, author, independent, semi-scientist, nar do well, EH&S pro.