The Gardening Goddess Update

The Truth As I Know It
Weeds & Wildflowers
6 min readSep 22, 2022


Mistakes were made, tears were shed, but knowledge was gained

Hope, success, then tragedy: Photos etc. by Author in Canva

It has been two weeks from my last gardening goddess checkin. I have good news and I have bad news. I feel it is always prudent to start with the bad news first, so that we can end on a high note, so here is the hard truth. I have much to learn as a gardner. When we last spoke, I was excited about the possibilities of my garden, and how much progress one of my underdogs had made. I was strutting around like a peacock, showing my colors, so very proud of myself. A few days down ended all of that.

For those of you that are not familiar with my story, I am a nurse, turned COVID long-hauler. I was bedridden for much of the first year of my illness and now am coming up on 2 1/2 years, still having to do most of my work from bed, but am able to do physical things intermittently, if I don’t overdue it. I always overdue it, however, as I am still learning what level of activity my body can actually handle before she craps out on me.

Almost directly after making my last gardening blog, I went into one of my down periods quite harshly, as we were trying a new medication. The side effects left me hugging a toilet bowl, and dizzy to the point of not being able to open my eyes for the first two days, with about two more days down to slowly recover. It was a mess. I asked various individuals to…



The Truth As I Know It
Weeds & Wildflowers

My name is Kelly. I am a wife, a mother of 8, a nurse, a medical auditor and a covid long-hauler. Life is short and this is the truth as I know it.