The Guide

Meeting in an unchanging place

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Jay’s Photography Pexels

The sun rises, illuminating the jewel river. The sun reflects on this moving surface, illuminating the waves, from within, like precious stones.

The river sings, trills of birds, like a carpet of wonders. The river is perfectly cut out, in this meadow, infinite, green grass until the horizon, under a sky which turns to blue.

I am sitting on the bank of this river, pensive, delighted in this pure beauty in motion. I feel a presence behind me. I concentrate on it, without turning around, one of my guides appears to me. He is calm and radiant, he does not need to speak. He transmits directly.

He tells me, you are naturally beautiful, but you always have the choice to project your consciousness towards ugliness, sadness. You have the choice to believe in your ugly surroundings, rather than choosing beauty. Beauty has been deposited in your soul, in your memory, it is just waiting for you to discover it under the layers of guilt, morality, judgment. Beauty is waiting for you to touch it, it is calling you and your inner ray of light, so that you recognize it. Recognizing it means allowing it to become part of your earthly self. For the brain, imagination has as much reality as what you call reality. Don’t be lazy, use that imagination to reach out to us, to communicate with us, it’s easy. You have just…



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Weeds & Wildflowers

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)