The Power Of Pink

It Keeps Me Happy And Strong

Lynn L. Alexander
Weeds & Wildflowers
May 25, 2023


Photo by Andrii Ganzevych on Unsplash

Pink has always been my favorite color
My friends and family know this fact.
I wear various hues on different occasions
For me, this hue does attract.

I always get compliments on my pink lipstick
I have some pink utensils and a pink broom.|
This color just makes me so happy
I even changed the color of my room.

Because of something beyond my control
I am forever linked to the color teal.
This color represents ovarian cancer
I cannot believe that this is even real.

To get through this traumatic event
I continued to see the pink in things.
It represents soothing and calm
I endured because of the healing pink brings.



Lynn L. Alexander
Weeds & Wildflowers

Eclectic writer. Ovarian cancer survivor. My interests include humor, health, grief, personal essays and entertainment. Please follow me on my journey.