The Universe Sighs

A Poem

Lisa Bolin
Weeds & Wildflowers


The universe sighs,
Expanding, contracting,
Twinkling planets swirl
Ghostly gases whirl
Frozen crystals hang in elegant rings
Around firey-red glowing globes.

The universe sighs,
Expanding, contracting,
Speckled space spinning,
Sending sparks and comets
Shooting across black velvet space
Fizzing and hissing into the void.

The universe sighs,
Expanding, contracting,
Breathing infinitely,
Building cosmic communities,
Planets of raw raging fire,
Freezing spheres of ice.

The universe sighs,
Expanding, contracting,
Bleeding black into infinity,
A silent sparkling void,
Silver splinters shimmering,
Marking time in millennia.

~thanks for reading~

Lisa writes in her spare time from her home in Finland. She has been published in several anthologies, the latest being



Lisa Bolin
Weeds & Wildflowers

Writer | Poet | Educator | Book-lover | Multilingual | Travel Enthusiast | Garden of Neuro Institute sister | A curious soul | A little fearless