There is a solution to every problem

Let your thoughts open and think a little differently.

Weeds & Wildflowers
4 min readAug 27, 2024


Photo by Karla Hernandez on Unsplash

There is a story, in the olden times, a merchant had borrowed money from a wealthy moneylender on interest, but due to loss in business, he was unable to return the moneylender’s money. The merchant had a very beautiful daughter.

The moneylender was very crooked. He thought that the merchant was not able to return the money, so why not take advantage of his situation? He made a suggestion to the merchant that if he married his daughter to that moneylender, he would forgive all the debts of the merchant. What would the poor merchant do in such circumstances? He told everything to his daughter. The problem was big: the moneylender was an ugly middle-aged man.

Now, there were only two paths ahead of that daughter. First, she could refuse to marry the moneylender and leave her father in debt, or she could marry the moneylender happily so that her father could live independently.

Look further at what the girl decided. The girl put a condition in front of the moneylender that he should bring a bag and put two small stones in it, one of white color and the other of black color. After this, the girl will take one stone from that bag by closing her eyes. If the stone is black, the girl will marry the moneylender, and her father’s debt will be forgiven. If the stone turns out to be white, the father’s debt will be waived, but the girl will not marry the moneylender.

The moneylender immediately agreed and soon came with a bag. Now, when he was putting the stones in the bag, the girl saw that the moneylender had cleverly put 2 black stones in that bag instead of one black stone and one white stone as decided earlier. Actually, he was cheating there.

Now the girl got worried about what should she do. Even if she revealed the moneylender’s cheated plan, the moneylender would definitely implicate them in some other trick. The girl went ahead with some thought and took out a stone from the bag and as soon as she took out the stone, she splattered it with her hand, due to which that stone fell into the drain.

The girl said, “Sorry, the stone spilled out of my hand, but there is nothing to worry about, there will still be another stone in the bag. Let’s see it. If the stone turns out to be black, then I must have picked up the white stone and if the stone in the bag turns out to be white, then I must have picked up the black stone.”

When the merchant put his hand in the bag, he saw that a black stone came out. He said, “Daughter, there is a black stone left in the bag, which means you chose the white stone.} Does the moneylender even speak? Had he spoken, he would have been caught stealing. In this way, the father’s debt was forgiven and the daughter also protected herself.

Circumstances are never the same. Ups and downs keep coming in the vortex of life. It depends on us. How do you face difficult situations? Do you have the ability to get out of every situation? There are often such turning points in our lives when we start to believe that there is no way left and we are stuck badly.

Let your thoughts open, think a little differently, think there is a solution to every problem, and there will definitely be some solution to my problem, too. When we start thinking like this, we will surely start getting solutions to our problems, too.

I will consider myself very blessed if this effort succeeds in bringing a sweet smile to your lovely faces and helping even a little in your lives.

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