This day, again!

Weeds & Wildflowers
1 min readApr 16, 2023
Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Dear clock
Why don’t you ring different?
like that of the cuckoo or a bit dulcet?
You don’t remember?
I wake up before you’
this day every year..

Dear mom
Why don’t you kiss me now?
dress me like a queen?
You used to give me chocolates,
and greet me before all..

Dear bro
Why are you still indifferent?
Won’t you tease me today?
Carry me on your shoulders,
to the tsundoku- where my present veils?
You’d always make me win in a badminton game
faking to be tired and afraid of my play;
every year this morning..

Dear dad
Wouldn’t I have new dresses this time?
Like the ones you kept secretly
in my closet ,
to adorn for the school;
And the new board games that you taught me?
this day every year..

Hey dear friend
Is it your hand over my eyes?
Was that you?
who wished me first?
I knew you won’t forget this day!..

