Palaeorhiza disrupta — Photo by Author

Photo a Day Challenge

To See or To Bee Seen

Photo a Day Challenge: Week 58 — January 6th to January 12th


When I am out in the garden with my camera, I never feel like I am the only one “seeing”. There are always various organisms looking right back at me. It gives me a wonderful feeling of synergy with my environment.

The feature photo shows a new species of bee that observed me as I observed it the other day. I knew that something had been pollinating the Blue Tongue Plant but I never saw bees on the flowers until Thursday when I happened to look over as I went to take out the bins. There she was! A stunning masked bee with a metallic green body. Her common name is Disruptive Beautiful Masked Bee. She certainly disrupted my morning as I hovered around with my camera hoping that the garbage truck wouldn’t come early!

Across the Cane Fields — Photo by Author

I took this photo out of the car window with my phone as we drove towards the coast. The clouds were breathtakingly beautiful! We were on our way to pick up a large slab of African Mahoghany for the new bar we are putting in our undercover area. I will share a photo when we’ve finished trimming and sealing it!



Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)
Weeds & Wildflowers

Jane is passionate about Australian native plants, gardening, biodiversity, food forests , nature and the Arts. Also - owner/editor of Tea with Mother Nature