Too Many Religions Prefer A Lifeless God
Preserving Their Exalted Positions
O Lord our God
Wellspring of the universes
From Whom all things flow
Who infuses Your being in all of Your creations
My mind cannot begin to grasp Your reality
Your generosity is without measure
Your very essence is a total outpouring of unceasing love
Yet in my arrogance I-we-they would try to define You
Limit You
Angels must laugh at our temerity
Even worse
Many religions in Your name
Dare to confine You to formulaic words
Bind You by tradition
They prefer a tame creator
Who responds to their entreaties alone
While they proclaim that they
Are the sole custodians of the pathway to Your chambers
They would take all life from You
Nietzsche was right to declare this kind of God dead
Little wonder than many refuse to believe
In the empty idol without substance
They substituted in your place
They have banished You to myth and mystery
Which can only be interpreted by them
Do the leaders really believe in You
Or is their faith an empty shell