Tien (2019), Public sculpture in Inner Mongolia (artist unknown)

two familiar strangers

Tien Skye
Weeds & Wildflowers
2 min readAug 6, 2021


So you have heard. Morning and Night wish to Meet.

You would think this is a simple Wish but you soon realise the simplest wishes are often the most difficult to fulfil. There are no more shortcuts and nothing more to simplify. You see Wall straight ahead to surmount with little runway to gain momentum.

How are they to meet? That should be your first question, for they run on different Times – Morning is too Early and Night is too Late. One cannot be earlier and the other cannot be later. With an ocean of Afternoon and a gulf of Evening in between, you cannot simply remove the two to let the two meet.

What are they to talk about? That should be your next question, for they possess different Perspectives. One brings Slumber while the other brings Awakening. You never use temporary death and permanent sleep as conversation starters.

But even in the dead of the Night, there is Nightlife. Morning cannot meet Night later but you see, They can meet earlier. And it is in that blurry line of Wee hours Meeting occurs in the presence of silent Stars.

Morning and Night are not that Different under the Same sky.

Or so you have heard.



Tien Skye
Weeds & Wildflowers

has a bad habit of referring to himself in third person point of view...and he just did it again...