Uncovering Treasure Among the Weeds
The excitement of finding this gives me hope back
Today was day 1 of my weeding the berry patch. After buying the tools I was going to need, I stood back and surveyed the jungle in front of me.
Weeds seven feet tall swayed in the breeze as if taunting me, daring me to come do something about them. I was almost paralyzed with how overwhelming the task of cleaning up the berry patch was going to be.
As I approached, my feet got tangled up in wild black berry vines and I almost fell on my face. It was at that point that I almost turned around and gave up without even starting. As I took a deep breath to slow my racing heart, I spied a spot of green coming out of one of the large containers.
My first thought was, great, a tree is growing in that container. From afar it didn’t look like the other weeds. It looked thick and sturdy, unlike the ones surrounding it. In order to get closer though, I was going to have to start.
That spot of green and the spark of hope and intrigue motivated me to get closer. I hacked and racked my way to the container, making quite a lot of progress fighting the prickly vines.
I got close enough to see what it was, still wondering if it was a weed, but when I glanced all the way down, there, stuck in…