Where can I find Happiness?

Aliasger Yusuf
Weeds & Wildflowers
Jul 8, 2022

Everyone seeks happiness in the wrong places.

image of two books titled happiness.
Photo by Wafer WAN on Unsplash

Oh, happiness! I have searched for you.
Do you live in exquisite palaces?
Are you available in power and pelf?
Can I seek you in endless wealth?
No said happiness!

Do you live with the privileged few?
Do you travel on a luxury cruise?
Have you a friendship with the land Barons?
No said happiness!

My imagination is stifled.
My thoughts are narrow.
I have kept perceiving,
That happiness
Exist in the riches of the world.
In the midst of the affluent.
I thought I can seek you.
In treasures of gold.
No said happiness!

“I reside in an honest heart who believes in God and his fellow men” said happiness.

