White Flowers

A Haiku

Upen Singh
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

With all the colors
the forest feels so peaceful
when white flowers bloom.

Driving to my house in the forest, there was a lot of greenery and colorful flowers along the way.

Then I saw one frangipani tree with white flowers. Amidst many colors, white stood out. I felt peaceful all of a sudden. I bathed in the feeling for a moment.

I realized — what is one color without another? Red wouldn’t be red with the blue, green, yellow….and green would be green without the others. All colors have their uniqueness because other colors exist.

White flowers in a jungle full of colors had their own magic.

The strength of white made me feel the value of all colors.



Upen Singh
Weeds & Wildflowers

A Practical Visionary | Education Counselor | Builder | People & Progress | Traveler | Author | Nature & Animals