White Silence Returned

Jessica Archuleta
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Andre Benz on Unsplash

Jack Frost, you couldn’t wait
surprised us with a blanket of snow
while leaves are still showing off for us
in colors of green, scarlet, and gold.

You’re extra naughty this year
showing up in October,
not even waiting for November
to make your presence known.

I want to file a complaint
I’ve been robbed! I’ve been cheated!
Autumn is short enough here
without your tricks, without your games!

But wait, I digress.

Today as I buried myself under a blanket
stretching out like a cat
on the sofa next to my love,
we let the white silence
fallen across our yard
press into our windows
sink into our bodies
letting our day’s chores be forgotten
letting silence wrap us and keep us warm.

Maybe you're wise instead of naughty,
and you’re trying to tell us,

‘Slow down, be still, don’t worry,
let the white silence cover you with peace.’

Thanks for reading! This poem is related to another one of mine about spring:



Jessica Archuleta
Weeds & Wildflowers

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou