Who Needs TV When You’ve Got Nature?

There’s drama and intrigue aplenty in your own backyard

Beth Bruno
Weeds & Wildflowers


Photo by Bryan Hanson on Unsplash

There’s been a spectacle happening in our backyard this afternoon. For a couple of weeks we have been watching the chickadees working tirelessly to feed their babies housed in the box we hung from the hydrangea as soon as we arrived here. We can see this box from our deck, and from the garden, and the driveway.

We have watched them for days on end, landing on a branch above the box with little green caterpillars dangling from their beaks. They dive into the box and in a matter of seconds fly back out to go find more. Being a chickadee parent must be exhausting!

We arrived home this afternoon from an outing, and as soon as I was in the kitchen boiling water for tea, my husband opened the door to ask me if I wanted to let a black snake live in the carport. This may seem like a silly question, but we try to live lightly on the earth, and that means allowing things to live alongside us that most people would never consider living with. I had a spider that lived over the kitchen sink for an entire summer once. She ate a lot of fruitflies, and I appreciated her company.

So, back to the snake. There was a big black snake wrapped around a branch of the rhododendron beside the carport. My husband has always been the man to…



Beth Bruno
Weeds & Wildflowers

Human learning to be human. Writing in hopes of getting there.