Week in OSINT #2019–02

Tools, tips and cheat sheets

Week in OSINT
2 min readJan 14, 2019


Welcome to the second edition of 2019. Still tapping into my little backlog of links that I have and added some more recent things to compliment it. Enjoy this Monday’s read!

  • Google Search Cheat Sheet
  • LinkedIn E-Reveal
  • Sputnik
  • OSINT Guide
  • Hamilton 68

Tip: Google Search Cheat Sheet

Late December the Osint Stash tweeted two very nice Google cheat sheets. These are absolutely useful for anyone who can’t seem to remember certain search operators, or how to use them exactly.

Link 1: https://twitter.com/OsintStash/status/1075843968003383296

Link 2: https://twitter.com/OsintStash/status/1075888988895043584

Tool: LinkedIn E-Reveal

Another entry by Osint Stash, with thanks to SourcingDenis for sharing it on Twitter. This time it is a Chrome extension that uses information in a LinkedIn profile to list possible email addresses for that person.

It retrieves the personal and company information, does some Whois and DNS magic in the background, and searches online for possible matches. It will then retrieve the results by showing the email addresses and the source it was found. Read it all in the following thread:

Link: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1078001925419925504.html

Tool: Sputnik

Last week I was alerted by The-Dutch-Priest about a tweet from Catalin Cimpanu, who shared a new tool that enables you to (quote): “easily search IPs, Domains, File Hashes, and URLs using free Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) resources.”.

The tool is developed by Mitch Moser and he created a plugin for Google Chrome and for Mozilla Firefox. So if you fancy a ‘one-click’ solution to finding such info during investigations, I’d suggest you check this one out!

Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sputnik-osint/

Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sputnik/manapjdamopgbpimgojkccikaabhmocd

Site: OSINT Guide

The other day I was notified by Dutch Osint Guy about a blog post at Randomhome. They dive into all aspects of OSINT, a workflow, basic techniques and tips and is a beautiful source for people wanting to know a bit more about how to tackle investigations.

Link: https://www.randhome.io/blog/2019/01/05/2019-osint-guide/

Research: Hamilton 68

Since Hamilton68 was started some time ago, there have been lots of investigations done in regards to disinformation online. While waiting for the new platform, have a look at the report that they published one year after they started and also read the following thread on Twitter! That is one interesting data set to play with!

Thread: https://twitter.com/SlickRockWeb/status/1083950440834887680

Report: https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/a-view-from-the-digital-trenches-lessons-from-year-one-of-hamilton-68/

It is going to be a very busy week with study, a lot of work and helping out at two small events this week… So this will simply have to do for now ;-)

Have a good week and have a good search



Week in OSINT

Just a shadowy nerd… Busy with InfoSec, geolocation and OSINT (archived articles only, Week in OSINT can be found on https://sector035.nl)