Week in OSINT #2019–13

Crowd sourced creeps, informational InfoSec and lovely links!

Week in OSINT
4 min readApr 1, 2019


And we’re back with a regular episode of the Week in OSINT newsletter. Some people seemed to have missed my notification that there wouldn’t be one last week, but hey! There are more important things in life sometimes… Anyway, off to the topics of the last two weeks. I have tried to select the most interesting or really new items from the last two weeks:

  • InfoSecSherpa
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Disposable Mail Providers
  • Crowd Sourced Criminal Search
  • Warwire
  • Fact Check Explorer
  • Financial Investigations

Blog: InfoSecSherpa

For most she doesn’t need any kind of introduction! The librarian slash InfoSec professional started blogging. And it look she is not blogging about her day job at a SOC, but she comes up with links about local news sites in English or a local Ukranian news agency. The third and fourth articles are about the “Business Journals” and a… Physics publication? 🤔(yes, surprising but do have a look!) So more “OSINT-y” goodness, more information, more blogs, more links, more knowledge to spread… Just what the doctor ordered!

Link to her blog: https://medium.com/@InfoSecSherpa

Links: Threat Intelligence

So you are looking for any kind of info in regard to threat intelligence? Research on ransomware? A malware sample for your collection? Info on an APT? Stop looking, there’s a chance these links are already collected for you. Twitter user paranoid_ch1ck has been collecting threat intelligence goodness and shares them on Start.me!

Link: https://start.me/p/rxRbpo/ti

Links: Disposable Mail Providers

Have a sock, have a disposable email address…

But on a serious note, it can always come in handy to create a temporary email address to sign up somewhere. Whether it is a trial account for software, whether it is a short-term account on a social media website, or anything like that. You need something like that, well just pick one of the following sites to create one!

Link 1: https://www.mailinator.com/

Link 2: https://www.guerrillamail.com/

Link 3: https://10minutemail.com

Link 4: https://maildrop.cc/

Blog: Crowd Sourced Criminal Search

Everybody must have read this story, because it just shows how certain communities have evolved. Where it used to be stories about Shia Lebeouf’s flag being nicked by 4chan, or fugitives that are captured because of a reward, you simply don’t taunt the police online… Not unless you are hiding in a sound-proof, specially built chamber that is completely isolated from the outside world. Because the sound of a passenger bus as a bus stop might be all people need to find someone. If you haven’t read it yet, please do so and follow all the steps that were taken to find out exactly where how the following picture was reconstructed and where it was filmed.

Link: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/03/19/locating-the-netherlands-most-wanted-criminal-by-scrutinising-instagram/

Tool: Warwire

Bruno Mortier shared a new tool on Twitter last week, called Warwire. I have not tried it myself yet since I didn’t find time for it, but reading the description it seems to be a collection tool with built in monitoring and archiving possibilities for social investigations.

Link: https://www.warwire.net/

Site: Fact Check Explorer

And here we have another nice link provided by Henk van Ess. Google was already working on indexing sites that do fact checking, but I didn’t know whether it was life or not. Well, it seems to be! And might become my go-to link for people that keep spamming me with hoaxes 😎

Link: https://toolbox.google.com/factcheck/explorer

Site: Financial Investigations

Last week I saw a tweet by the KeyNorth Group and I simply had to click the link. This is a resource that a lot of people were looking for! I have seen questions in Slack channels, Signal and on Twitter, asking me for resources in regard to financial investigations. Time to stop looking because here are some free eLearning courses from the Basel Institute on Governance. So enjoy your week!

Link: https://www.baselgovernance.org/asset-recovery/free-elearning-courses

Have a good week and have a good search!



Week in OSINT

Just a shadowy nerd… Busy with InfoSec, geolocation and OSINT (archived articles only, Week in OSINT can be found on https://sector035.nl)