Week in OSINT #2019–22
A small update with icons, social media and some numbers…
This time another small episode of myWeek in OSINT. Due to a very busy week at work and other priorities there simply wasn’t enough time for me to go over everything. But I still hope that there are a few little takeaways for everyone!
- Favicons
- Deleted Reddit Content
- Twitter Analytics
- OSINT on Phone Numbers
Tip: Favicons
After I sent out the last newsletter, I saw a tip that should have been included but was missed somehow by me. This one is particularly interesting for pentesters or redteamers, but also for other investigators this can be really helpful. This Shodan query searches for ‘favicons’ of websites that matches the ‘hash’ you are providing, thus finding more websites of the same company or using the same software of their web front end.
Link: https://twitter.com/0xba3ba4/status/1132266814799523840
Site: Deleted Reddit Content
Last week Dutch Osint Guy sent out another great tip, this time it is about Reddit content that was deleted. The website ReSavr is a Reddit archive of Reddit comments and includes a search option. A comment on the tweet by ‘platta13' gave another site: ‘Removeddit’. So you maybe need something that may have been deleted? Well, here you go!
Link: https://www.resavr.com/
Link: https://removeddit.com/
Links: Twitter Analytics
And again I include a tweet by OSINT Techniques, since he usually tweets out little link lists with very helpful sites. And this time it is all about Twitter analytics! Most of these sites might already be known to the majority of the people, but did you know that SocialBearing has a great selection of filters on the left? And that it is the only one you don’t have to login to, together with foller.me and TinfoLeak?
Link: https://followerwonk.com/
Link: https://socialbearing.com/
Link: https://foller.me/
Link: https://tinfoleak.com/
Article: OSINT on Phone Numbers
Yesterday I saw a tweet by beuchelt about what can be done when one only has a phone number. He linked to an article by NULL BYTE that explains step-by-step what can be done, which tools and sites there are and how to pivot from other information. These kind of write-ups aren’t really rare, but I love to include them anyway! Because there is always the chance that a small hint or a new web site is included that you didn’t know about
Remember the Dutch wanted fugitive, that was hiding in Iran and was traced by online sleuths, while he boasted about nobody was able to find him? Well… He’s at it again.
Have a good week and have a good search!