Week in OSINT #2019–41

The latest news from the world of OSINT, with some nice tools and links.

Week in OSINT
3 min readOct 14, 2019


And here we are again with another little overview of some awesome tools and links. And of course we have to share something on the latest TraceLabs missing people CTF that was in Australia. If you have any nice links or tools, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter.

  • CryptoTools
  • PhishStats
  • InstagramOSINT
  • TraceLabs
  • Mitaka

Links: CryptoTools

Besides the fact that the guy behind Aware Online is an awesome dude, he also has a great site with awesome resources. One of the pages on there is being filled with new links the last week and is all about crypto currency. So if you are looking for some sites to dive into the world of digital currencies, this is a site you should visit.

Link: https://www.aware-online.com/en/osint-tools/cryptocurrency-tools/

Site: PhishStats

Last week Gonzo shared an awesome link on OSINT.team, the website ‘PhishStats’. They collect data on phishing emails and provide a platform that you can use to search for specific phishing campaigns for research. But the dashboard is just for the nice numbers. The real power comes with the API they provide, where you are able to search for specific text, ASN’s, IP addresses, countries and such. The result is an easy query you can even run directly in the browser, and shows you the data you are looking for in JSON.

Searching for anything that touches LinkedIn

Link: https://phishstats.info/

Tool: InstagramOSINT

A simple tool, for some basic recon on Instagram accounts. This script is easy to run and returns all the basic information you can get from Instagram, like the username, profile name, followers, posts, bio text et cetera. It can also retrieve some info on whether it’s a registered business account, connection to Facebook and other basic information. And it doesn’t only show the info on screen, but it saves the data in JSON format together with the avatar in a separate directory for you.

Diving into owl_kitty

Article: TraceLabs

Last week there was another TraceLabs live CTF for missing people. This is a small news clip from WIN News Canberra on the event. If you ever have the chance of taking part in one of these, please do so! #OSINT4Good

Link: https://www.facebook.com/WINNewsCanberra/videos/551064062295772/

Tool: Mitaka

This tool was featured earlier in WiO 2018–35 but when going over updated tools on GitHub I saw it again and want to highlight it another time. This is an awesome extension that can extract domain names or email addresses from web pages and run it against a huge array of different other tools, all with a simple mouse click.

Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mitaka/bfjbejmeoibbdpfdbmbacmefcbannnbg

FireFox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mitaka/

GitHub: https://github.com/ninoseki/mitaka

Have a good week and have a good search!



Week in OSINT

Just a shadowy nerd… Busy with InfoSec, geolocation and OSINT (archived articles only, Week in OSINT can be found on https://sector035.nl)