Week in OSINT #2020–09

Social media tips and tools, follow the money, some JavaScript and Vortimo.

Week in OSINT


Hello and welcome to the OSINT overview of week 9! There were loads of links that I received and found, but it was so much that I couldn’t find the time to write about it all! So here are my 5 picks for last week:

  • Feedbro
  • Bookmarklets
  • Finding Flickr Users
  • LittleSis
  • Vortimo

Tool: Feedbro

Using an RSS feedreader to keep tabs on your favourite subjects , no matter where they are, is always handy. And I recently received a tip about Feedbro, which does the job brilliantly! Install the extension, create a folder and go to the page, profile or feed you are interested in. An Instagram profile without being logged in yourself? Multiple people on Twitter? Want to keep tabs on a hashtag? Subreddits? Blogs? Yup… All works, and you don’t even need to be logged in for it.

Feeds for Twitter profiles, Instagram, blogs, anything…

Tutorial: Bookmarklets

Sinwindie posted a tutorial on how to create custom bookmarklets a few weeks ago on SecJuice, and this weekend part 2 popped online! So if you are curious how you can create some bookmarks that can automate things, then check out this step-by-step guide!

Building a bookmarklet step-by step!

Part 1: https://www.secjuice.com/osint-bookmarklet-tools/

Part 2: https://www.secjuice.com/make-your-own-custom-osint-bookmarklet-tools-part-ii/

GitHub: https://github.com/sinwindie/OSINT

Tip: Finding Flickr Users

Aware Online has posted a neat trick this weekend on how to find Flickr users via email. I know how much fun you can have with the API’s over there, and this is not the only site that gives you a toolbox that you can (ab)use for OSINT investigations.

Go and check out some of the API’s that are available. Some may work straight out of the box, some will require extra privileges. And sometimes, an API key is at hand for the watchful eye. But that’s a whole different story and hopefully I’m able to write a story about it some day soon.

Link: https://twitter.com/aware_online/status/1234201883125964802

Site: LittleSis

Who is connected to who, at the top of the chilly iceberg. Well, no need to look any further, since LittleSis has got you covered! Data that has been provided by OpenSecrets is used to create stories about how money flows. It’s possible for researchers to create an account and work with a graph tool to map out the connections and help gain insight in all this data.

Link: https://littlesis.org/

Tool: Vortimo

Vortimo is in its last beta stage! Last chance to reach out to Vortimotech on Twitter to get this version, or find the link that has been shared in channels on OSINT.team. There has been some more changes and features and I really suggest you’d have a look at it if you don’t only want to preserve evidence, but also want to find new possible leads. If you haven’t heard of it yet, I will release a review on this probably later this week.

EXIF information in Vortimo

Link: https://vortimo.wordpress.com/2020/02/20/beta-4-is-good-to-go/

Have a good week and have a good search!



Week in OSINT

Just a shadowy nerd… Busy with InfoSec, geolocation and OSINT (archived articles only, Week in OSINT can be found on https://sector035.nl)