Week in OSINT #2020–23

Investigating companies, searching stuff, indexing Snapchat and last minute introduction course by SANS!

Week in OSINT
4 min readJun 8, 2020


You made it through another weekend, well done! Time for your weekly dose of OSINT topics, that you are accustomed to by now. This newsletter exists already well over two years, and I'm still finding new (re)sources, sites and tools. Thank you all for sharing and sending me tips! Because that makes my 'job' a whole lot easier… Before going over to the overview of this week, let me remind you that at the end there is a last minute addition for an introduction course to OSINT at the very end, make sure to subscribe today!

  • Investigating Companies
  • MultiFind
  • Gsearch One
  • Dargle
  • Search Tips by Paul Myers
  • Snapchat Scraper
  • Hitta.se

Article: Investigating Companies

This article by "Exposing the Invisible" goes into detail on how to approach an investigation into a company. It explains finding companies connected to someone, how to identify owners, creating a full profile and so on. A long read, but I do recommend this to anyone who wants to learn something about this (like me!)

OpenCorporates is just one of the many sources named in here…

Link: https://kit.exposingtheinvisible.org/en/what/companies.html

Tool: MultiFind

The Chrome extension 'Multifind' by Jake Creps gives you the ability to highlight keywords and image names (or extensions). There is also the option to highlight URL's, but that doesn't seem to work for me. When adding keywords (like 'OSINT' and 'sock') and several file extensions, they are highlighted as shown in the screenshot below, thus making searching for specific words within articles a lot easier.

Highlighting keywords and image files

Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/multifind/amegoafkcikfmdbfeldmchinkjfdgoog

Search: Gsearch One

Ph055a shared a link to 'Gsearch One', a new search engine, that gives you a new way to search Google indexed web sites. It claims it doesn't save any searches and makes searching for content within sites or even specific TLD's a breeze! And with a single click of a button it can even sort the results by date.

Searching for my socks again!

Link: https://www.gsearch.one/

Search: Dargle

Dargle is a new onion search engine. It currently indexed over 40,000 domains by searching within well over 6,000 sources. If you are looking for specific sites that are on TOR, then this is another search engine you might want to check. Thanks for the tip Francesco!

Searching for different mail services on TOR.

Link: http://www.dargle.net/

Article: Search Tips by Paul Myers

GIJN posted an article last week with some really good search tips brought to you by Paul Myers himself. After giving a masterclass that was not published on their YouTube channel (which is an awesome resource itself!), they created an article with some tips to search even better. From Google dorks and Twitter search options, to less known Bing searched and searching license plates with Facebook.

This post does I hope… ;-)

Link: https://gijn.org/2020/06/03/gijn-masterclass-with-paul-myers-online-research-tips-for-digging-into-the-pandemic-and-beyond/

Tool: Snapchat Scraper

John Marquee sent me a message the other day about a brand new Snapchat scraping tool. And that's a good thing, because even though Nemec has been very busy again and created something nice! An automated Snapchat story downloader, that randomly moves around a given location, stores all the data and lets you review everything so you can index and tag it. And when I read the news about all the wrongdoing there is, I think this might be a really useful tool to have...

Link: https://github.com/nemec/snapchat-map-scraper

Search: Hitta.se

For some unknown reason, I was browsing for some more Scandinavian people the other day, and stumbled upon a Scandinavian site I never heard of. The site 'Hitta.se' is probably the go-to site if you are looking for specific people within Sweden. Searching for Stockholm alone gives you close to two million people, showing a home or work address, landline or mobile number and other information like basic property information, their birthday et cetera. Need a Sweed? Du hittade honom…

Browsing Stockholm, before turning on the Google Translate option in Chrome

Link: https://www.hitta.se/

| SANS Introduction to OSINT

Tomorrow (Tuesday June 9) there is an introduction to OSINT given by David Mashburn, over at SANS. Register for free and check out the quality of the SANS course SEC 487 for yourself! Thanks Sala for this tip!
Link: https://www.sans.org/webcasts/tech-tuesday-workshop-introduction-osint-115720

And that's it for today's Corona Section, since my sources are slowly drying up and not a lot of possible items has passed my timelines. But if you have more tips for studying, reading or similar activities, feel free to let me know by dropping me a DM on Twitter @sector035!

Have good week and have a good search!



Week in OSINT

Just a shadowy nerd… Busy with InfoSec, geolocation and OSINT (archived articles only, Week in OSINT can be found on https://sector035.nl)