
Nick Malik
Weekend at Marquette
4 min readDec 12, 2017

Here comes Sunday. So much of the weekend left, but so little at the same time.

Sundays are usually devoted for football during the fall, specifically the Packers. Anywhere you go, you are almost guaranteed to see the Packers on, or you will see a majority of students rocking their green and yellow or an Aaron Rodgers jersey.

Photo via Nick Malik

If football isn’t your thing, there are many other things to do. Personally, my Sundays start off with a trip across campus to Gesu Parish for mass. Being a Catholic, Jesuit institution, mass is a big deal at Marquette. Any given Sunday, you will find a good amount of fellow students who have managed to drag themselves to mass.

There are many different opportunities to get your weekly dosage of God in. Mass at Gesu happens four times per Sunday, and then another late mass in the AMU at the Chapel of the Holy Family if you can’t get up in time for the other masses. There are also multiple different prayer spaces and masses throughout the week. Marquette’s mass schedule is very accommodating to students.

Photo via Nick Malik

Faith life at Marquette was one of the major things which drew me to come here. The sense of community felt at each and every mass is something special, and it is not just students. When I talked to junior Mary Frances Ierlan, she felt the same way.

“I love going to mass here. There is always a good crowd at mass and that helps motivate me to get to mass, since I know it is not out of the ordinary to do so.”

When Mary isn’t at mass, she likes to spend her Sundays in other ways. “Usually I’ll just relax and take it easy,” she says. “I’ll sometimes go with my friends to grab lunch or something downtown, but otherwise I just hang out and push off my homework until the night.”

Homework tends to be a very common theme on Sundays as well. Walk into the library and you will see a definite increase in students trying to get their assignments done which they have been pushing off all week.

There are plenty of good study spots for the student who likes to get their work done early on a Sunday. Colectivo Coffee is always a popular spot off campus for students to get their work done at any of their multiple locations. Mary says this is one of her favorite off campus spots to go to.

“I always go to Colectivo whether it be to get work done or just to hang out and get some coffee with friends,” she describes. “The vibe in there is really cool and fun and I just love being around there and seeing who walks in. They’re coffee is great too!”

Image via Ruby Hersch

After a long day of either doing nothing or grinding over that research paper you have due Monday morning, the options are unlimited when it comes to night time. If you want to treat yourself, Kopp’s (a personal favorite) is one of the finer frozen custard establishments you will find in Milwaukee. Although getting there can be tough, it is absolutely worth it.

7/11 and Sendik’s also offer a wide variety of treats which you can treat yourself to. A little something never hurts when you have a long week ahead. Treating yourself is sometimes the best thing you can do. I recommend Half-Baked by Ben & Jerry’s. You will not regret it.

Well, there’s your weekend for you. Time to get back on the grind and get up early again for class tomorrow. I hope you had a fun time and hopefully you will try something different in 5 days, when the weekend starts up again, and you get to run the whole thing back one more time.

Photo via Nick Malik

