ChatGPT vs the Tech Workforce

Franco Monsalvo
Weekend Musings… & Rants
1 min readJun 4, 2023

The other day I’ve seen this ad and made me wonder, think, and to introspect about how the trend has changed.

Not so long ago, AI was the murderer of the boring jobs, of the repetitive and mindless tasks. But nowadays it’s going for the knowledge work, the one that was only possible by humans and that was keeping “us” the smart ones safe. Meanwhile the manual labor, the one we do with our body and hands is going strong.

I believe that knowledge workers needed to be shaken, we sat in our ivory towers, feeling untouchable and safe while laughing and looking from above as all those workers were sacred and in pain. And now… it’s coming for us, and we finally understand how it feels, to be threatened by disruption, the same disruption we were pushing, playing the drum the loudest.

But it’s not all bad, I’m a big believer that disruption brings new things, better things and our human nature will keep us going forward stronger than before, more creative than before and we will create a new paradigm that will coexist with innovation. As we have always done.

