Turkey bacon wrapped figs with blue cheese

Kat Lopez
Weekend Vibes
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2016

This recipe is great for picnics, brunches and the situation when guests will suddenly arrive in 10 minutes! You can use any kind of meat (I choose turkey bacon because it contails less fat). The same goes about blue cheese: roquefort, stilton, gorgonzola or danish blue — any of them will play well with meat and figs.


  1. Preheat oven to 350F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.
  2. Cut the figs in half and place a piece of blue cheese on each fig half. Wrap the bacon around each fig covering the cheese.
  3. Place them on the parchment paper, bake figs until the bacon begins to color and crisp.




Kat Lopez
Weekend Vibes

There’s a book in here somewhere, and one day I’ll write it. Vulnarageous traveller, geekette, foodie and coffee junkie