Cravings: Why Carrots Never Win and What to Do About it

Replace self-shaming with curiosity

Lenka Otap
Weekly Challenge


Image Credits: Aleksandr Kichigin. Free for Canva Pro. Text added by the author.

I am at the end of my current YAWL (Yet Another Weight Loss) and now trying to establish good habits to maintain it. It’s not even that I am or have ever been overweight, I just feel better when I don’t have that little extra. My BMI went down from 24 to 22 after losing 6 kg (13 lbs), so I went from normal to normal, but now being able to fit my skinny-pants, plus I am running faster.

I now find myself fighting cravings, especially for the sweet taste, such as chocolate or cookies. So I have been trying to figure out:

What to do about food cravings?

I have found a few useful advice! Not just “quick fixes”, because that is at this point no longer what I am looking for, although quick fixes sometimes can be okay to try in a desperate situation or if you are in need for motivation to get you started. Quick results can be good for the short run, to build up motivation, and get you started, but in the long run, you need to change your habits, so that the new lifestyle does not feel like a daily struggle. This is where I am, so I stop yoyoing 7–8 kgs in the normal BMI range.

It’s even more important if you have a larger weight loss before you.

Quick results can be…



Lenka Otap
Weekly Challenge

Computer scientist and astrophysicist. Curious about life, the universe, and everything.