Atul Jha
Weekly Interesting Reads
1 min readMar 25, 2016

Embrace the Discomfort

Kara, in this post shares great advice to entrepreneurs. In her words if you are starting up, you have to do every single part/task which builds your company.

Counting calories is self-abuse

Title of the post says it all, do read it because we are all turning into diet freak.

How Gut Bacteria Are Shaking Up Cancer Research

Gut Bacteria are key to a prosperous health & now this research indicates they have powers to cure cancer as well.

Dear Startups: Here’s How to Stay Alive

Great piece of advice by a venture capitalist to all the young blood working hard to make startup life/passion/career a success.

How to be a Programmer: Community Version

Great collection with list of posts & materials.

Originally published at on March 25, 2016.

