WeeklyReads Issue 2

Manik Rathee
Weekly Reads
2 min readOct 20, 2015


WeeklyReads is an email list for design, development and productivity links, curated by @manikrathee.

This week’s inspiration link is:

Summits, Springs and Shantytowns by Kyle Frost. An Exposure story.


Fix Yosemite’s Spotlight security hole
“If you’ve upgraded to Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10) and you’re using the default settings, each time you start typing in Spotlight (to open an application or search for a file on your computer), your local search terms and location are sent to Apple and third parties (including Microsoft).”

Google acquires Firebase
Alternate post: “Firebase Joins Google

Apple Still Has Plenty of Your Data for the Feds
via Josh Thayer
“But despite these nods to privacy-conscious consumers, Apple still strongly encourages all its users to sign up for and use iCloud, the internet syncing and storage service where Apple has the capability to unlock key data like backups, documents, contacts, and calendar information in response to a government demand.”

Monsters and Thieves by Nathan Kontny
I would give you a snippet from this post but it’s too well written to cut up. Take a few minutes, grab an afternoon coffee and read on.


Chrome Extension
Discover new fonts and colors with every tab

Prototyping Tool
The next generation of mobile interaction design Pixate empowers you to create sophisticated animations and interactions that come to life through 100% real, native iOS and Android prototypes — from design to prototype, without the code.

Photoshop CC 2014 Smart Objects and Layer Comps
A great post, as usual. If you aren’t familiar with Bjango, you should dive deeper after this article.

Vector Devices for Sketch

Design Tools on Product Hunt

Podcasts for Designers,
on Wunderlist

Design Details: Inbox by Google
A post by Brian Lovin. More on Inbox.

Common UX Misconceptions about ‘Touch’


Set up a dev environment in 30 seconds

Tricks for GPU Composited CSS
Get animating.

SetUI for Sublime Text
Theme and Color Scheme


AMPY: Power your devices from your motion

The Dark Sky iOS 8
This update is great. Comes with a widget, more accuracy, etc etc.

Charlie for iOS
“Charlie combs through 100s of sources and automatically sends you a one‐pager on everyone you’re going to meet with, before you see them.”

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Manik Rathee
Weekly Reads

Eng. Manager @Google. Formerly, User Experience Engineer for @barackobama