Web Summit and more.

Sprint updates
Aug 31, 2022


  • Growth hacking: Our team is proud to announce NYX was selected to the Alpha Startup group of WebSummit 2022. We will have the chance to present NYX on stage, and have a booth in the world's hottest startup event (Nov/22) . Other web3 projects in the event include Yugalabs, Sandbox and others.
  • Platform: We are currently working on building the KaffeeHaus, our private discord with superpowers. In it the community will have access to matches, speed-dating events for networking, be able to provide feedback, increase their social credentials, and rack up $OUL.
  • AI: Finished EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis). A new iteration of feature engineering is taking place this week using the data collected during the beta testing fase.
  • Mint: We are on target to mint mid-September. Users will be able to individuate their SOULs and join the KaffeeHaus.

