A tale of CSS Resets and Everything You Need to Know About Them. Revisited.

Full (well, almost, hopefully) guide to CSS Reset libraries

Margo Roi


A little bit of an introduction: I became interested in CSS resets for a very practical reason. I am a consultant software engineer and that implies I work with different clients and start greenfield projects from time to time.

At a certain point after creating a few web projects from a scratch several times in a row and running into all the same issues with different browsers, I have developed a certain ‘style of work’ if I may say so, and adjusting my CSS code in different browsers in a ‘fix-as-you-go’ manner did not scale for me anymore. So, I decided to take a look at the resets and found them to be way more nuanced than they initially seemed to be.

The more preparation (dev-ops, pipelines, bundling orders) you do beforehand on the project, the more time you save in a long-term, which means having the right initial settings for the reset.css can potentially save you hours of debugging your CSS.

Here is my attempt to collect all the information there possibly is on them and…

