Asynchronous JavaScript: Using RxJS Observables with REST APIs in Node.js

Maciej Treder
Published in
12 min readJul 10, 2020


ReactiveX is an electrifying programming concept. It’s widely adopted in popular programming languages, including JavaScript. ReactiveX programs can react to data as it is emitted from a source, rather than get the data from it. This is a convenient way of handling data from sources like web APIs or WebSockets.

In this post you’ll get hands-on experience doing ReactiveX programming with RxJS: ReactiveX for JavaScript. You’ll learn how to perform REST API calls to retrieve data asynchronously, manipulate it as it arrives, and perform subsequent calls based on the emitted data. You’ll also see how to perform other actions whenever data is emitted by an Observable.

This post focuses on how to utilize RxJS Observables with REST API calls. The previous post in this series on Asynchronous JavaScript explains RxJS fundamentals:

Understanding the case study project

In this post you will see how to perform a sequence of REST API calls using the Rx-HTTP library. The task which you are going to accomplish is to answer the question “What’s the best movie by Quentin Tarantino?” based on data available in a mock-up REST API.



Maciej Treder

Senior Software engineer at Akamai Tech; Twilio Champion; Author of ng-toolkit project Enthusiast of Angular