Convert Font Emojis to Image Files with Custom Dimensions using Vanilla JavaScript 👩‍💻

With full code implementation. Export any smiley or symbol as image files for use.

Charmaine Chui


❝A picture is worth a thousand words❞ — This is especially true in modern digital age when the average human attention span is short and larger loads of information are expected to be processed daily.

For most white-collar workers, I am sure many would have at some point attempted to source for graphic images to fulfil a task which involves communicating visual information. Examples can range from furnishing a deck of slides for corporate presentations to designing brochures and posters for marketing to designing logos or thumbnails for a webpage etc.

More often than not images embedded on any platform often revolves around a specific context or theme. Incidentally this is also when the functionality to export emojis as images becomes highly convenient.

Leverage on Emojis used in Text-Messaging Apps

Assuming most of us are users of at least 1 text-message application (WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat etc.), it is also very likely that we have included smileys such as: 🥰 😈 💡 in our text messages at some point. All these fall under the category of “Emojis”, where the…



Charmaine Chui

👩‍💻 Data Analyst. Web & Software Developer. Technical Writer✍ | Trying to make the 🌐 better with baby steps👣 [ 📍SG ] LinkedIn@