Interview Experience with Snapchat for Frontend Engineer[Best pay in London]

Rahul Rana
3 min readSep 24, 2021


Hi ,fellow Frontend developers and Frontend Engineers.

Recently I interviewed with Snapchat, London for Frontend Engineer Role.

I was interviewing for another company in London so thought to try some more good companies. So applied to career page of google 😍, Spotify 😍, Transfer wise, Amazon for frontend position.

Let’s start with how I applied to the company. I just applied from career page. You must be thinking 🤔 why I applied through career page and not through a referral. I tried the referral through Linked in but not able to get one. As there are less people and generally not easy for outside locations.

I got response from them after 1 month, but as soon as i got response, I was able to setup call with recruiter within 2–3 days, he told me about Snapchat process and asked to book time for Screening round.

Screening round was within 1 week. I was told it will be Data Structures and Algorithm.

Screening round was of 1 hour. Interviewers were quite friendly, started with intro rounds. I got the first question standard graph question just modification of it.
As I have done graph traversals so able to do it quickly. I have to write all test cases and need to run it. Important running code with all test cases. So able to do in 25 min.

Then we had 1 behavioural question, something like share something what you have learnt new last job. it was of 30 min.

I got result in 2 days then scheduled the onsite for next week. Due to busy schedule of interviewers , it took 2–3 weeks to set it up the virtual onsite. Recruiter were so friendly if you have any doubts.

Virtual Onsite:

One thing was every round will be 1 hour , 30 min for question and 30 min for behavioural.

Round 1: First round

Question was simple logic question, finding largest streak of days from array.
i was able to do this one.

next was behavioural, it was how to get along with person whom you don’t fit well. This is tricky questions to answer and not every-time you will have experience, I seriously don’t know how to answer but tried to share incident happened with me in past.

Round 2

Question was standard LC Hard question, Serialise and Deserialise binary tree.

I was aware of it so able to code and run it in 30 min.

Behavioural question was of what mistakes you made in current company.

Round 3 was of another LC Medium question

longest palindromic substring:

I bombed 💣 it. brute force was wrong for it.

Round 4 :

Question was design a game. I designed Ludo. It was good from my side.

Behavioural was standard question.

So in overall Snapchat focus very highly on behavioural rounds. When you connect with recruiter they will share the all details and also what sort of questions can be asked. I will make a special video for behavioural rounds in which we try to answer , what questions will be asked and how to answer them.

For other wise I have connected with many people from Snapchat on teamblind and people who has interviewed, questions will be pretty random and anything can be asked from LC Medium to LC Hard. All questions can be DS and Algorithm or pure frontend specific too.

That’s why i feel its hardest interview to crack in frontend world because of DS Algorithm and randomness.

My experience was great , recruiter was very responsive and everything was quick from results to scheduling and answering queries.

Please like my channel for more videos related to frontend and tech.

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Thank you.

Feel free to comment for any questions.



Rahul Rana

Application Engineer @Flock @Directi, Frontend Engineer, VanillaJs, ReactJs, Performance, Debugger.