Learn Sass Basics in 10 Minutes

Sass Tutorial.

Mehdi Aoussiad


Sass Image.

What is Sass?

Sass stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, It is a CSS pre-processor, It’s Actually CSS with superpowers. So it makes it easier to work with CSS, It reduces the repetition and saves time. which helps to style your pages easily with fewer CSS lines.

So, in this tutorial, I’m going to show you the power of Sass, but you need to know some HTML and CSS fundamentals first, go learn them, then move to Sass. We are going to cover the Scss, that’s what most people use.

How Does Sass Work?

Sass works Just like regular CSS, but the browser does not understand Sass, you will need a Sass pre-processor to convert Sass code into CSS. There is an extension in the popular text editor VsCode called “Live Sass Compiler”, it does all the job for you just install it from your VsCode and you are good to go.

Sass Installation:

There are several ways to install Sass in your system. if you are using VsCode it’s so simple just install the “ Live Sass Compiler” extension as I mentioned above. after you have done that…



Mehdi Aoussiad

Front-End Web Developer from Morocco. I focus on writing useful articles for you(Web dev/SEO). Follow me on Twitter:➡️ https://twitter.com/AoussiadMehdi