Null and Undefined in Javascript

What’s the difference between null and undefined? We are going to find out in this article. (Bonus section with the new feature of ES2021)

Megan Lo
7 min readFeb 15, 2021


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I have learned Javascript for several months, but I still could not differentiate null and undefined. This may sound silly, I know. So, in this article, I decided to dive deep the differences between the two.

Before we start, we have to understand the 7 primitive data types:

  • string
  • number
  • bigint
  • boolean
  • undefined
  • null
  • symbol

And there are 6 common known falsy values in Javascript(full list), which are:

  • keyword false
  • number 0 and -0 (Also 0n and -0n )
  • Empty string values: “”, '' , ``
  • null (the absence of any value)
  • undefined
  • NaN — not a number

As we can see, null and undefined are treated as falsy for boolean operations. There is something I would like to discuss that are added into ES2021 (or ES12) that is related to null and undefined , which we would explore at the end of this article.

Let’s explore together what the differences are between null and undefined !


  • According to MDN, null represents the intentional absence of any object value.
  • null must be assigned.
  • Interesting thing about null is that null expresses the lack of identification, meaning the variable points to no object.


  • A variable that has not been assigned a value is considered a type of undefined .
  • A method or statement would return undefined if the variable does not have an assigned value, so as a function.

Code Example:

What if I assigned the variable snoopy to null ?

If I console.log the variable, the terminal would print null .

On the other hand, when I assigned snoopy to nothing and console.log that:

This would print undefined .

You can also explicitly assigned variable to undefined , it would give you the same result regardless:


Quick Note: As mentioned earlier, null and undefined are both primitive values, but interestingly enough, if we test out in typeof , they gave us different result:

All other values in Javascript are objects ({}, [], functions…). So, this is generally regarded as a mistake when Javascript is first created. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Equality (==) and Identity (===) Operators

(I never knew these are their real names haha when we are so used to calling these “strictly” or “loosely” equal to each other.)

When we are checking for null and undefined , it is quite interesting to take a look at the equality operators, as we performed type-conversion (or in a more technical term, type coercion) when we have to.

null and undefined are loosely equal to each other (in this case, I would consider because they are both falsy value, so they are loosely equal to each other), however,

null and undefined are not strictly equal to each other. I would consider because null and undefined have very different usage and meanings, that’s why they are strictly unequal to each other.

So, let’s put this in another way

Therefore, when null is set to strictly unequal to undefined , this would return us true .

Practically speaking, let’s implement this into a if statement (inspiration is completely from MDN):

So if we do

Pretty cool, right? Also I would like to point out another practical example I saw from another topic-related post.

With default parameters in a function, undefined will use the default parameter while null does not.

Let’s say we have a function peanuts .

Explanation: The code above creates a function called peanuts . This function requires a string parameter and it sets the default parameter to a string snoopy is the best (of course.) if it isn’t provided.

Therefore, if we do

If we insert the parameter as undefined , it would give us the default value and not with null:

In case you don’t believe me, here’s my terminal.

✨Bonus Section (ES2021 New Feature: Question question equals (??=))✨

As mentioned above, we would explore this new feature in ES2021 (Expected to release in June 2021!!!) that involves null and undefined that I found it interesting!

Before I get into the ??= , I need to explain what ?? in a nutshell.

Nullish Coalescing Operator(??) in a Nutshell

There is a thing called nullish coalescing operator(??). This deserves its own article, but since we are on the topic of null and undefined , I would like to briefly talk about this. || is pretty common to a lot of us and we probably have seen and used this in multiple occasion. What about ?? ? I mean, it’s not common for me.

The difference between || and ?? :

|| returns the right-hand side if the left-hand side is any falsy value, not only null or undefined.


?? returns the right-hand side when the left-hand side is either null or undefined . Let’s use the above example for comparison:

Note that “” is a falsy value in JS, but with ?? , this would return "" (empty string) anyway because it is neither null nor undefined .

Alright, let’s get into the real star here, the ⭐️Question question equals (??=)⭐️

Question Question Equals (??=)

(The Fancier Name: Logical Nullish Assignment)

This actually operates quite similarly to the Nullish Coalescing Operator(??). And if you think about how we use += , *= , -= , /= , this ??= works pretty similarly to those operators.

If we use += , this will look like this:

??= is pretty much in a similar nature:

If we write this with the equivalent code of the if statement with the same variable:

This operator works quite similarly with the Nullish Coalescing Operator that it only checks for null and undefined , but not other falsy values.

This logical assignment operator is not the only new logical assignment operator in ES2021, there’re also &&= and ||= .

Yay! You made it to the end! Hope this article is helpful for you guys!! It’s always very exciting to learn new things!

(I’ve used a lot of Snoopy Gifs in my articles. Here’s one with Snoopy and Woodstock.)

Happy Valentine’s Day — only if you care about it haha.



Megan Lo

Software Engineer @ Citi | I write about JavaScript.