React/Redux you’re great, but we need to take things slow.

Faisal Rashid
2 min readJul 4, 2020

Our company adopted ReactJs as a go-to solution for building front-end applications a little over 2 years ago. So, as you would suspect we did the full circle. Started with class-based “stateful” components, and then slowly transitioned towards more lightweight functional “stateless?” components.

This transition was easy, because we quickly jumped on the Redux bandwagon, and you guessed it, all of our application state lives there. Happily mutating and triggering those cute re-renders. Oh redux, why do you spoil people?

I only started at the company a little over 6 months ago, but the code tells its own story. I could easily identify the abandoned patterns and those audacious attempts of making things more robust.

We kept trying to adopt every new fancy thing that the wonderful React community threw at us. React Hooks, Redux Saga, Redux Thunk, Redux Hooks, Redux Toolkit, Container Pattern, no more Container Pattern, Lifecycle Methods, Deprecated Lifecycle Methods, React Testing Library, Reselect, Enzyme, no more Enzyme, and so on.

The list grows as we inexorably wait for that sweet release of implosion. Our architecture team tries hard to keep up with building “libraries” to accommodate these changes.

